Kohinoor Arts, Commerce & Science College, Khultabad

Subject Wise Book List

Sr. Accession Title Author Status Price
Print Date: 24-Jun-2023 11:05:06
1 BV-1 Instant Notes In Food Biotechnilopgy Jain Nisha,,, Weekly Issued 150
2 BV-2 Experimental Methods In Food Engineering Razvi S. S. H.,,, On Shelf 225
3 BV-3 Cereals And Cereals Products Chemistery And Technology Dendy David A. V.,,, On Shelf 2095
4 BV-4 Food Packaging Kadoya Takashin,,, Weekly Issued 1695
5 BV-5 Analysis Of Milk And Its Products Milk Industry Foundation,,, On Shelf 1790
6 BV-6 Cereals Processing Technology Edi. By Owens Gavin,,, On Shelf 2495
7 BV-7 Bakery Science And Cereal Technology Khetarpaul Neelam,,, Weekly Issued 1595
8 BV-8 Dairy Processing Improving Quality Smit Gerrit,,, On Shelf 4495
9 BV-9 Emerging Food Packaging Technology- Principles And Practice Ed. Vam Kit L.,,, On Shelf 5995
10 BV-10 Food Microbiology Ramesh Vijaya K.,,, Weekly Issued 490
11 BV-11 Fish Processing And Preservation Biswas K. P.,,, On Shelf 1595
12 BV-12 Food Biotechnology Bieleeki Stanislaw,,, On Shelf 3295
13 BV-13 Food Packaging Khetarpaul Neelam,,, Weekly Issued 1695
14 BV-14 Fermentation And Food Safety Adams Martin R.,,, On Shelf 9199
15 BV-15 Objective Questions In Dairy Science And Technology And Food Dairy Engineering Sharma Harish,,, On Shelf 250
16 BV-16 Fruit And Vegetable Processing Organisations And Institutes Bhatti Suman,,, On Shelf 250
17 BV-17 Chemistry And Testing Of Dairy Products Ttherton Henry V.,,, On Shelf 250
18 BV-18 Food Process Engineering Theory And Laboratory Experiments Marwaha Kavita,,, Weekly Issued 1290
19 BV-19 Food Processing An Industrial Powerhouse In Transition Connor John M.,,, On Shelf 5995
20 BV-20 Food And Vegitable Preservation Bhutani R. C.,,, On Shelf 1690
21 BV-21 Functional Foods Abd Nutrition Subbulaxmi G.,,, On Shelf 2995
22 BV-22 Handbook Of Vegetables And Vegitable Processing Sinha Nirmal K.,,, On Shelf 5995
23 BV-23 Meat Preservation Preventing Losses And Assuring Safety Cassens Robert G.,,, On Shelf 3495
24 BV-24 Food Safety Theory Band Practice Knechthges Paul L.,,, On Shelf 110
25 BV-25 "Handbook Of Vegetable Science And Technology, Production, Composition, Storage And Processing" Ed. Salunke D. K.,,, On Shelf 2495
26 BV-26 Nitritive Requirments And Dietary Essentials Saxena Anjali,,, On Shelf 675
27 BV-27 Food Science Experiments And Applications Sethi Mohini,,, Weekly Issued 260
28 BV-28 Snack Food Ed. Booth Gordon B.,,, On Shelf 275
29 BV-29 A Dictionary Of Food And Nutrition Sharma J. L.,,, On Shelf 295
30 BV-30 Food Chemistry Ed. Meyer Lillian Hoagland,,, Weekly Issued 295
31 BV-31 Handbook Of Meat Product Technology Ranken M. U.,,, On Shelf 4495
32 BV-32 Food Texture Measurments And Perception Rosenthal Andrew J.,,, On Shelf 199
33 BV-33 Food Analysis Theory And Practice Pomeranz Yeshajahv,,, Weekly Issued 495
34 BV-34 Handbook Of Food Preservation Ed. Rahman M. Shafiur,,, On Shelf 2995
35 BV-35 Experiments In Food Process Engineering Pandey Harish,,, On Shelf 325
36 BV-36 Fundamentals Of Dairy Chemistry Ed. Wong Noble P.,,, On Shelf 350
37 BV-37 Fruit And Vegetable Preservation Principal And Practices Srivastava R. P.,,, Weekly Issued 395
38 BV-38 Processing Tecnnology For Food Legumes Patil R. T.,,, On Shelf 3950
39 BV-39 Advanced Technology For Meat Processing Nollet Leo M. L.,,, On Shelf 4495
40 BV-40 Elementry Food Science Vivera Ernest R.,,, On Shelf 795
41 BV-41 Essentials Of Functional Foods Schmidl Mary K.,,, On Shelf 1295
42 BV-42 Food Precessing Principles And Application Smith Scott I.,,, On Shelf 4995
43 BV-43 Food Properties Handbook Ed. Rahman M. Shafiur,,, Weekly Issued 7495
44 BV-44 Basic Concept Of Fruit Science Singh Neeraj Pratap,,, On Shelf 595
45 BV-45 Food Products Development From Concept To The Market Place Ed. Graf Ernst,,, On Shelf 595
46 BV-46 Food Oil And Fats Lawson Harry,,, On Shelf 995
47 BV-47 Handbook Of Fruit Science And Technology Ed. Salunke D. K.,,, On Shelf 2995
48 BV-48 Novel Food Packaging Technologies Ed. Ahvenainen Raija,,, On Shelf 1995
49 BV-49 Dairy Processing Improving Quality Ed. Smith Gerrit,,, On Shelf 4495
50 BV-50 Formentation Technology Vol 1 Upstream Fermentation Technology Modi H. A.,,, On Shelf 4000
51 BV-51 Formentation Technology Vol 2 Downstream Fermentation Technology Modi H. A.,,, On Shelf 4000
52 BV-52 Food Microbiology Processing Technology And Feed Additives Ganguly Subha,,, On Shelf 750
53 BV-53 Food Science And Food Biotechnology Lopez Gaustava F. Gustavo,,, On Shelf 4495
54 BV-54 Postharvest Technology And Food Process Engineering Chakraverty Amalendu,,, Weekly Issued 2399
55 BV-55 Poultry Products Processing An Industry Guide Shai Batbut,,, Weekly Issued 2950
56 BV-56 Poultry Meat Processing Ed. Sams Alan R.,,, On Shelf 2950
57 BV-57 "Pulse Foods, Processing Quality And Nutritial Application" Tiwari Brijesh K.,,, On Shelf 3295
58 BV-58 Sensory Evaluation Techniques Meilgard Morten,,, On Shelf 695
59 BV-59 The Technology Of Dairy Products Ed. Early Ralph,,, Weekly Issued 795
60 BV-60 Vegetable Processing Ed. Arthey David,,, On Shelf 3395
61 BV-61 Handbook Of Dairy Food Analysis Ed. Nollet Leo M. L.,,, On Shelf 7595
62 BV-62 "Meat And Meat Products Technology, Chemistry And Microbiology" Varmam Alan H.,,, On Shelf 999
63 BV-63 Meat Science And Application Hui V. H.,,, On Shelf 2950
64 BV-64 Meat Hygiene Gracey J. F.,,, On Shelf 1995
65 BV-65 Microbial Food Contamindior Ed. Wilson Charlles L.,,, On Shelf 3495
66 BV-66 Quality And Preservation Of Vegetables Eskin Michael,,, On Shelf 3795
67 BV-67 "Seafood Safety, Processing And Biotechnology" Shahidi Feredidon,,, On Shelf 2995
68 BV-68 "Vegetables -1 Asteraceae Brassicaceae, Chenopodicaceda And Cucurbitaceae" Prohens Jaime,,, On Shelf 2395
69 BV-69 "Vegetables -1 Fabqeae, Liliaceac, Solanaceae And Umbelliferac" Prohens Jaime,,, On Shelf 2395
70 BV-70 Food Canning Technology Larousse Jean,,, On Shelf 4695
71 BV-71 Food Processing Principles And Applications Hosahalli Ramusumamy,,, On Shelf 695
72 BV-72 Fermenteal Milks Tramime Adnan,,, On Shelf 3995
73 BV-73 Not Available Not Available,,, On Shelf 0
74 BV-74 Handbook Of Vegetable Preservation And Processing Hui V. H.,,, On Shelf 7495
75 SR-8754 Hotel Management Food And Food Services Gandhi Gaurav,,, On Shelf 130
Total Price: 182721
Grand Total: 182721
END OF REPORT - Subject wise Book List